111 – Mindfulness and Self-fulfilling prophecy: Double Edge Sword
Good morning, folks! I am Jin with Morning Mindfulness Podcast. Hope you are having a magnificent day! Let’s breathe and smile.
Is our life a self-fulfilling prophecy?
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When kids are born I believe they have no concept about what their life should look like, other than basic human needs and the fear of loud noise. As we grow up, we absorb the belief system of those who are around us most of the time, beginning with parents, then school, and so on. At some point that becomes our belief system, and we don’t even question it.
I am not saying this is right or wrong, it is what it is. Our belief system determines what we do, what profession we choose, what path we take in life, and so on. You’ve heard perhaps, that our thoughts affect out words, our words affect our beliefs, our beliefs affect our actions, our actions form our habits, and our habits create our destiny.
There are different variations of this statement. Also, this is just a half of the cycle. You see, our actions reinforce our beliefs. They also create response from people we get in contact with, and that also affects our belief. We start acting like the person we create in our mind. We think about it, we speak it, we take actions and that reflects on our beliefs, and we form habits, and those habits make us think about what we belief.. So, you get an idea.
Now, let me sound a little bit like Morpheus from “The Matrix” movie. What if I told you that your snowball of self-fulfilling prophecy took the wrong path? And you are running in life 30,000 mph in a wrong direction? Everything may look good on the outside, but inside you know there’s something totally wrong with the picture?
I am not saying that’s you. But I met quite a few people who don’t know why they do what they do. Just because they believed they we good at something, or they were not good at anything else. Yep, self-fulfilling prophecy works in both constructive and destructive ways.
I am not here to tell you what to do. I am just trying to make you think why do you do what you do and why do you believe what you believe? Think about that.
Thanks for tuning in! You can subscribe to my podcast on my site HPLN.org.
Now let’s breathe and smile. I will talk to you next time.