048 – Some Trick our brain is playing on us. What is real?
Good morning, folks! I am Jin with Morning Mindfulness Podcast. I hope you are doing great wherever you are right now! Let’s breathe and a smile!
I hear people say all the time, “Get real!” So, what is real?
Really, What Is Real?
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Let’s look at a couple of fun facts:
What if I told you that all you see around you is just a stream of electromagnetic waves between 390 and 700 nm? Our eyes receive it, and our brain translates it into what we call “visible light”.
Everything we see, hear, taste, touch is just a stream or impulses going into our brain through the nervous system. If you hit your elbow, do you think that is elbow hurting? No, that is your brain saying that your elbow is not all right.
Huh, I know, quite often what our brain is saying is very convincing.
But our brain is just a machine, and we have the ability to program it, to some extent of course. It has an amazing potential. I’ve seen surgeries performed using suggestions instead of anesthesia. The person was awake while surgeons were performing the major surgery at the hospital. That is the power of the brain!
All I want to say today is that we have the ability to program our brain. I am not aware of possibility to make structural changes, like to grow back an amputated arm or leg. But I believe that any functional or reversible disorders are programmable, from feeling tired, scared, depresses, to eliminating many conditions, including early stages of cancer. And by the way, the opposite is also true: we can program our body to act and feel any way we choose. And not just feel. Have you heard the statement that majority of health issues are stress related?
While I never suggest using training as a replacement for medical treatment, I encourage people to consider exercises and attitude adjustment as an enhancer of any therapy, and of course as preventive measures. This is something for you to consider. Hope I make some sense.
Thanks for tuning in! You can subscribe to my podcast on my site HPLN.org.
Now let’s breathe and smile. I will talk to you next time.
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