410 – Successful Mistakes: Our Humble Way To Turn Failures Into Success
People become successful making successful mistakes by seeing opportunities where others may see disaster. But we need to stay humble to see it.
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How can we use our Successful Mistakes?
Good morning, folks! I am Jin with Morning Mindfulness Podcast. Hope you’re having a fabulous day! Let’s breathe and smile.
Yesterday I was reading John Maxwells’ book and I thought I could share a little. The chapter was about humility.
One statement was about me. Yes, I could relate to it really well. He wrote, “Humility allows us to let go of perfection and keep trying.” Oh year, that’s me. I grew up being a perfectionist. Everything had to be precise. I was very good at math, physics, chemistry, any science in general. I was a straight “A” student at school.
“What’s wrong with that?” you may ask.
Here’s what was wrong…
The problem, as I see it today, was.. should I say Pride? Those easy scientific problems I was solving, created a false perception of control. I had the World by the tail. At least that was what I was thinking. I knew exactly what I needed, everything else would be a mistake.
I had to learn some lessons a hard way.
Also I learned that many things we use today were created by accident. Like Penicillin, for example.
John Maxwell said, it’s not always easy, but possible – to find another use of the failure. Maybe it is not really a failure, just a deviation from the plan?
People become successful by seeing opportunities where others may see disaster. But we need to give up the idea of control, we need to stay humble and be in a present moment. And if something’s not going the way we want it to go, ask yourself, how we can get the best out of where where’re at. Because the mistake may even be an answer to our prayer. We just need to stay humble to recognize it. Think about it.
Here’s a book I was talking about:
Thanks for stopping by.
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