MindfulScope is a Periscope-Based Mindfulness and Music Meditation Program by Coach Jin. This is a way to stop for 20-30 minutes and listen to live talk, live Zen flute music. This is a way to bring Mindfulness into your busy day. MindfulScope will be played live on Periscope @HPLN, and it will be recorded. You will find the episodes on this page right below this note.
Since I teach Qigong, Tao Yin and Stress Reduction, and I conduct Zen music workshops, I will be also talking about my classes I teach in Arizona and in California, upcoming workshops and online courses. So please stay tuned!
You can follow me on Periscope @HPLN to watch it live. You can follow me on Twitter @HPLPodcast to get notifications about new episodes.
I got asked what microphones I am using for my Periscope. Here they are:
- Rode SmartLav – very nice lavalier microphone designed for iPhone and smartphones. I use it for talk shows
- Apogee MIC – Professional condenser microphone that works with iPhone, iPad or USB port. I use it for music recording on my iPad.
Aikido in Every Day Life by Terry Dobson & Victor Miller – Great book about Martial Art Principles of communication
Recorded Mindfulscope Episodes: