030 – Carmen Parks – How to Believe in Yourself, Overcome Self-doubt and Achieve your goals
Hi folks,
I am Jin coming to you from Phoenix, AZ. I hope life is treating you well in your corner of the World. Thanks for joining me today! Welcome to my Healthy Positive Lifestyle Podcast!
How can you start to believe in yourself?
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I have an amazing guest for you today. But before I let you meet her, here’s what this is all about.
As I learned from John Maxwell, you can be successful in life in whatever you choose to do even if nobody believes in you. However, you will never be successful if you don’t believe in yourself!
This is huge guys! Now, listen carefully! I will give you one of the laws I learned from John Maxwell. That is the law of the mirror. It says, you have to see value in yourself in order to add value to yourself. Let me repeat it so you can hear it, because I think this is huge. You have to see value in yourself in order to add value to yourself.
In other words, let’s say you see yourself as 3 on the scale from 1 to 10 in whatever you want to pursue, and you want to become 9 or 10. It will take some effort to get there, some investment of time and money, it will take some education and practice. It will take level 9 or 10 investment in yourself. However if you see yourself as 3, you will never invest that much in yourself. It will look like too much of an investment to you just because of your belief level.
No we get a vicious circle. Raising belief requires actions, and people don’t take necessary actions because belief is low. That’s the reason people get stuck in life. My coach told me that there are two major obstacles on the way to success: fear and doubt.
How do we get where we want to be? How do we break out of this circle?
There are some baby steps, as we call them. You cannot see yourself as 8 or 9 immediately. But you can stretch and see yourself as 4, and get comfortable at that level of belief. Then we can take it higher. It is a process. It does require education and a coach.
You may ask, why do I need a coach? I can get a book, a CD, a video, and I will learn. Yes books and CDs are essential. But when we learn from reading and listening, we still see ourselves the way we see ourselves. Besides, we all have blind spots, some areas we don’t know about ourselves.
What coach can do is to identify those blind spots, and to help you set up steps that will help you to move towards your personal goals. Besides, coach can believe in you and see you from the outside, not restricted by your belief system. That’s why getting a coach is very important if you really want to achieve your goals.
What I like about Carmen Parks, is that she puts this process in a small bite size pieces. So no matter where you are, you can start working on yourself, raise your belief and achieve your goals.
Carmen is talking today about her BELIEVE method, and about her book “How to believe in yourself, a 7-step guide for overcoming fear and self-doubt”
Listen up!
If you decide to work with Carmen, you can visit her web site at
You can buy a book or download audio version for FREE on Amazon:
How To Believe In Yourself: A 7-Step Guide For Overcoming Fear And Self-Doubt
You can subscribe to it in iTunes
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